Hey peepos. (:
Yup, went church today.
Sunday school was fine, kinda boring.
Then, worship, scripture reader.
I know i read really fast lah... Cause kinda nervous. ><
So, sermon all that.
Then lunch.
Cell group was discussion of skit. :)
And the whole session was really interesting.
Then stayed back , played murderer! :D
Few rounds of "wink-wink" one, then the hold hands one.
Very fun lah. :)
Till my mum's meeting ended, then took bus five to white sands, brought army poncho, then went LerkThai to eat.
And homed. :)
& Me and debbie gonna pray hard tomorrow not going to rain. *Crossed Fingers!*
We will look like "idoits". Hehe.
So, my next week plan:
- Mon- Heritage Trail.
- Tues- RC Unit Camp
- Wed- RC Unit Camp & Release of subject combination results. ><
- Thrus- SLC BBQ!^^
- Fri- Meet up with UIP Identity Group.
- Sat- UIP.
- Sun-Church again. :)
I so feel like giving up. ):
I can't do it, really...
I am having this stress/pressure.
This feeling has been hunting me all day.
Really hope I can pass UIP more
soon, then my heart will be able to remove this huge piece of stone,and relax. :)
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