Monday, November 26, 2007


okay , today went to school to submitt the posting form with mira .
i went to her house first .
haha . then , went school with her and her parents .
i should be able to get into GREENDALE .
is it a good school ? COMMENT PEOPLE !
haha . anyway , its over . if you say is a bad school ,
too bad for me . if you say is good , then it would be GREAAAATTTTT !
haha .
then , mira took picutres of the school and send me .
i took pictures of myself also . I LOOKVERYRETARD!
i will post some of them .
after everything , when to mira house .
it was funnnnnnnn there .
the pictures are on toppppp . ENJOY ?

okay , ending here .
i will post more pictures next time .



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