Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
HK trip was great.
there was no such day at an ordinary day.
everyday is packed with activities.
really miss HK alot.
next year i wanna go again(:
pictures will be uploaded soon.
possibly tomorrow.
today,reach sg at 12.30++
the flight is 2/3 hours only.
so fast can.
took singapore airlines ^^
got only 4 hours of sleep ><
went back sch, was late by a bit ><
plan things & stuff.
btw,being an I/C of lizard's tail ROCKS.
i keep laughing when people play.
FRIDAY is back to school.
weeeeee-hoooooo :D
& heard that miss melissa lee would be 2e4 form teacher ><
i wonder whats gonna be like,
hope is gonna be nice ?
:),thanks people that welcome me back.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
at cousin's place now.
finally get to use computer!
replying tags when i come back.
HK is kinda cold.
but funnnn.
will post photos when i come back.
anyway , yesterday went ocean park with friends.
FUN as well :D
but , i went CRAZY when went laughing like maddddddd :)
well,tomorrow going shopping(should be)
i sms already.
call me soon , if possible
ok, gotta go.
post again soon(:
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
monday gonna go hongkong already.
so excitedddddddddd.
gonna miss all my friends.
just wait till after tomorrow.
cant wait to go shopping with SINDY & SELINA.
cant wait to go OCEAN PARK with church friends.
cant wait to go ice-skating.
& cant wait to celebrate christmas at hk !
&& more.
anw, i promise myself to ENJOYYYY EXTRA EXTRA MORE ON 17 DEC.
i dont need to "suffer" here due to __ _____ ________.
and , i am still trying to get over that thing ( previous post )
gotta sleep early , tmr going church(:
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
must you say it anot ?
i know i am dumb&useless.
lousy-er than you ,
but must you say it ?
it made me feel so stupid & useless.
have you EVER spare a thought for me ?
i bet not.
i tried my best,
all you care is perfection,
but let me say this , i am unable to do it.
scolding & looking down on people ,
is this all you care.
& most thing , you are only older than me by a few years.
those words might not hurt you at ALL.
but , it hurt me deeply.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
1E4 (:
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Who is going footdrill competition ?
Please tell me the exact dates for training (:
& should i go for the footdrill competition or just wait for
the first aid one to come ?
anyway ,
i dontknow how to face people when going back to school.
damn embrassed ><
and , thankyou people for your concern .
appreciate-ed ! :D
& Passer-By.
who are you ?
i also never do anything to you .
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I am back .
much more early than others.
this camp ,
all i experience is : EMBRASSMENT & other bad things.
one day , damn lots of bad things happen to me .
-FELL & hurt my leg , hand & nose.
-Field Cooking , cook half way no fire ><
-Do OA pratical , 80% fail . & more lah .
Anyway , i want to thank those who help me out due to my damn fall.
Yani , Nabilah & more .
At every single moment , after my fall ,
i am thinking of how embrassed i gonna be. ><
this damn icident leaves a SUPER SOUR taste in my mouth.
This Time , most probably wont get promoted.
thanks to OA .
* i am so bored at homeeeeee !
Red Cross people , faster come back .
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
finally got the time to post.
today tiring yet really fun.
basiclally , we got our own group.
and our group name is HOTSHOT ! :)
played some interesting games .
but i like AMAZING RACE the best.
i only remember some tasks we need to do.
-Act Sexy/Macho.
-Play Dead fpr 1 min.
-Dance Chicky Dance with a sch mate(Debbie)
-Sing TwinkleTwinkleLittleStar.
-Take Out Your Shoes and Use it As a Phone And Talk (x
-Laugh Out Louddddd :D
& more , cant remember.
after that , Mr See took us .
did some squeeze & spread actions .
i did two times wrongly .
arghhh ! :x
OVERALL, today was real great & FUN !
tomorrow , gonna have a run.
nights everyone.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
today was niceee ?
went tution .
started sec2 maths already .
i think still okay , not really hard .
then went home , eat lunch ,
then go plaza singapura .
eat & bought some random things (x
woah ,
many events is coming up !
monday & tuesday ,
student leader training .
hope is gonna be FUNNN :D
then 25&26 ,
red cross camp .
i hope i can be promoted !
the outdoor test ,
i better pass . xD
next year , is gonna be tough.
coping with studies , student leader duties & stuff , CCA .
but , student leader still short listed :X
really hope i pass and be a official one . haha.
btw , venusa .
its okay la.
over already mah .
i am in fault also.
sorry too , yeahs .
goodbye , folks :D
Friday, November 14, 2008
i will treasure this chance , for sure .

finally ! hah.
assembly , hand over ceromony .
today might be my last time seeing MRS KOH .
somehow , i think she is greattt :D
then , went to meet mr see , mdm halimah , miss quek .
yea , SL .
quite happy about it .
i want to thank the teachers for chosing me :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
today was greattttt ! :D
first, home period .
then was GAMES DAY already !
OrangeHouseCaptain'sBallTeam0.1 ,
i love this team manzx.
played a few games in the begining .
not very good .
then , somehow got quite active & won a few games .
got into semi-finals !
the yellow team guys so tall !
jump also so high .
i am like SOOO short luh !
the tallest guy is like one head taller than me ><
but , the first goal in the match is scored by us (:
in the end , still lose ):
but , i still think our team did quite well , hehe.
basically , this is our players : ZhiXin
the Guy(i dontknow his name.)
& some E1 guys.
& HUIYI. my swoop partner
? thankyou , huiyi for swooping with me :)
finally , the overall results ,
OrangeHouse got 2nd !
btw , i have fulfill one of my wishes !
end here.
goodbye !
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hi .
today not good at all .
got back our results in the morning .
SEC 2 EXPRESS next year :D
6th position in class ,
i am only 68.5% happy with it .
but , dont know going what class .
i really hope i go to a good class !
after taking back results , went to hall for english programme .
quite fun .
next was assembly ,
people come our sch talk about their experience on amazing race.
release at 11 today .
went Dawna's House .
had fun , somehow ^^
went back sch for red cross .
report in full uniform.
first , uniform inspection .
hope i pass~
then , foot drill pratical .
next , foot drill theory .
tomorrow retest .
then red cross knowledge ,
anyway , tomorrow is Games Day.
hope ORANGE HOUSE will win .
espeacially , captains ball game :D
ok ,
i know is lousy .
& finally , this time ,
i passed my art .
quite happy .
Sunday, November 9, 2008
1e4 peeps , please check class blog for class t-shirt details .
today ,
went church .
funnn :D
i went insane during cell-group .
ANYWAY, many events is coming up .
(so much things to worry & be scared of :x)
-Red Cross Knowledge & Foot Drill test is this wed .
one more coming up during the camp.
i'll try my best to get lance cooperal !
-GAMES DAY is coming .
orange house, jiayou !
-Red Cross Camp.
i hope i no need to patrol .
i really hate it :X
-Resutlss !
this wednesday .
i hope i get to a good class (:
btw ,
loveddd one .
ily loads ok ?
just admitt you are chio la x)
hope your throat get well soon!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
supposed to post yesterday.
but , too tiring .
not fun at all .
morning fire drill .
then , HP .
next was recess .
then sharing of service learning projects.
then at class a while ,
then after school already .
went PP eat then come back .
water parade , then foot drills .
still okay.
after that , go take pen .
put in the pocket . ( sir say so.)
then i accidently drop the pen ,
asked to fall out , and say that cannot put things in the pocket .
so embrassing .
after that , revision for red cross knowledge .
come back , PT .
35 pumpings , for the first time.
in the middle , seniors talk abit .
our hands is like so pain .
FISH la.
& best part , diana is going to complain to teacher . aha.
end here .
why cant last days of school be more memorable ?
turn out this way ,
i dont mind how you treat me .
but , i already tried to put myself in your shoes already .
but , did you ?
you almost have everything , but remember , i dont .
put yourself in my shoes .
understand how people feel .
life has ups & downs .
stand strong , and struggle through this "down" period of life .
Thursday, November 6, 2008
today was quite boring~
after assembly , went back class.
mdm goh play game with us.
next was music.
then recess :D
after recess , GEPP .
my cpr skills so lousy la .
i just cant get it right blowing air through the mouth , and make the chest rise . ><
DAWNA can make it , & i take so long to make it right.
tomorrow , got RED CROSS.
i almost forget all the commands due to exams :X
i gonna embrass myself by doing all the wrong things.
better be mentally-prepared . hah.
btw , add new blogsong.
little wonders .
i have sort out my thinking.
happy / sad , also must live , why not live it happily ?
i'll try to let it go.
quite impossible*
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
school was boring again~
no morning run today .
changed to house meeting .
all the ORANGE HOUSE people was at the canteen .
joined captain's ball.
next was GEPP.
funn ? :D
at first , get to be firstaid-er , then they say red cross members only can be model ><
next was , recess.
for the first time , recess had never been so quiet . lol .
went library , watched barnyard.
quite niceee (:
bye readers!
listen to this song .
i think is quite nice .
from meet the robinsons.
since is already in this situation .
Monday, November 3, 2008
erm , today was ordinary .
PE played captains ball .
then was portfolio session . boring~
after recess , mrwang took over miss sheena period .
the class was ....
after that , went hall watch a movie . quite boring also~
after sch , went compasspoint eat,walked .
then , home-d (:
it was raining lions&tigers .
so heavy luhs !
need to wait at the bus-stop for at least 20 mins . >< ha , tomorrow house meeting . i hope can find out who is orange house master. :p
ok ,
if hapiness could be brought ,
my life would change , to be moremore happy .
or maybe i am just making things complicated for myself ,
Sunday, November 2, 2008
posted my two pretty friends pictures .
hah .
both also chio rights ? hehe .
ilovethemmmmtonss :D
Friday, October 31, 2008
got back all our results except for englishpaper1 & art .
overall , i am really very happy about my results .
but , art .
i cant be sure that i am going to pass .
anyway , TODAY.
got back lit . & i got 18/25 ( i think is ok . hah . )
then home econs , i thought i would fail ><
in the end , 72.5 ! :D
next was science , many people say never do well .
make me so scared . lol .
but , i cant believe a got an A .
overall , i dint fail any subjects .
the problems lies in ART now
i know i dint pass in mid-year , which makes it harder to pass this time .
whatever ,
Thursday, October 30, 2008
good things , please dont end so early!:D
they say all good things will come to an end .
i guess its true .
well , today .
got back eng paper2,maths paper2 , geog , history .
i am quite happy with it.
i passed my worst subject , which is maths .
i got super shocked when get back the paper . lol.
eng , okok la.
history , okok also .
geog , super ok!
whatever it is , tomorrow is more scary .
HOME ECONS , science , lit .
to many people home econs is easy .
but to me , a bit more hard :x
i just cant remember the vitamins & their functions .
lit , still have some confidence .
science , super little confidence .
anyway , after sch ,
rushed home & go out again .
went white sands to meet church peeps .
we brought a present for bro kwan already . hehe .
after that , go playground , crazy a while then go E!hubbbb .
watched high school musical3 .
not badddd:D
the ending was nice .
all good things will come to an end .
today was the good things , i guess .
i hope it would not END some early ,
at least after tomorrow getting back our results .
owner , i try i will just forget you , thats all.
no one cares , what for ?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
exams are over.
today art , i dont really think that my artwork is filled with "cool" colours.
lol .
got back mathspaper1 .
results okayokay . pass-ed :D
&i am sorry.
you know who .
(*studies is more important to me >< *)
that's all.
bye readers!
so many things ,
is bothering me. ):
today may be a happy day , but tomorrow might not .
i just hope to get good results for eoy .
me &owner relationship drift apart .
& i think this time is likely , we are not gonna be as close like last time.
i really miss those WONDERFUL memories.
i really hope we can be close together again,^^
they say just smile & pretend .
its not possible,
Sunday, October 26, 2008
the world is not what i think .
it is much much much bigger.
i thought only i would so crazy over _______,
but i found out ,
NO , its not only me , but many also.
yes/no .
Thursday, October 23, 2008
If everthing can remain like this , wouldnt it be great ? :)
i going to post today&yesterdays happennings.
firstly , today .
i am superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr happy !:D
if you were with me , you will know why .
& got back chinese .
not really good , but still passed !
next week , getting back english & more subjects .
hope the results will be good ^^
boring day at home :X
went white sands .
i saw some ex-eliasians (:
anyway , tomorrow getting back mother tongue i think .
i dont think i can do well .
just now , did a IQ test .
and yeah , my IQ is normal ! ^^
cant really believe it .
a dumb person like me , can have normal IQ ? xD
btw ,
CONGRATS DELVINA , going to express ! :D
continue to work hard ok .
and now , is impossible for me , to smile naturally like before .
i guess , you have long forgotten me .
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
exams are kinda over now .
left listening & art .
today home econs .
i at least lose 3-4 marks because of forgetting vitamins what function all that .
i must now work on my art to pull up my grades .
i gonna get CATHERINE to tutor me art . (x
CHARMAINE meimei is cuteeeee :D
Friday, October 17, 2008
finally , 5 subjects are over .
maths exam was very hard .
paper1 okayokay . paper2 , HARDDDD !
today , science exam . for the diagram forget to draw the water bath & forget to use ruler . sure minus marks . D:
now , less stress-ful already .
left art , geog , hist , home econs & listening compre .
i dont really plan to study art . x)
haizz ,
i dont think i will do well for this eoy .
i dont think i can stay in express anymore . :X
cheers , to another awkward moment ,
Best buds <3
Emily .
Shermaine .
Venusa .
Charlotte .
Dawna .
Joanne .
KheeJingWen .
YingXue .
Liyun .
Jeeping .
Charmaine .
SiuSuan .
misstan .
missK.lim . ( hehe(x )
& other friends&gans&teachers(:
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
i know , i broke the promise .
i am not supposed to blog ..... >.<
i hate it !
teachers like pin high hopes on me !
what if , i dont do well ?
& __________
he/she is starting to do well .
i need to work DOUBLE hard to beat he/she !
haizzz ,
i really hope i can do well . :D
byeee , got to study for english (:
good luck everyone .
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
i am real scared now .
just do my class test (english) .
lost a few points in summary !
anyway , whats done cant be undone . D:
today, nothing special . got back chemistry science paper !
17/20 super happy luh (:
hehe .
i will promise to give you guys present by next week .
sorry for the latelate present !
okay , gtg .
study for maths test!
whatever , you !
Friday, September 12, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
today chinese oral .
i dont really have confidence . >.<
first point i already say out of point !
all in all , i think i talk alot of crap . LOL
ok ,
I NEED TO PULL UP MY SOCKS ! :D ( not that pull up , ok ^^ )
in another way ,
my goal is to go 2E2 next year !
jiayouuu , me (:
i will try my veryyy best to do well in E.O.Y !
same goes to friends , yeah ?
goodbye !
need to revise already .
Monday, September 8, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
i am feeling better now (:
thanks people that wish me !
btw , changed my blogskin .
i think is pretty cute&nice :D
your opinion ? :D
& tomorrow ,
going to church campppppp ! ^^
i PROMISE to post after i come back .
hope to upload some pics (:
TAGGERS , please continue tagging if you want [:
i will return when i come back .
ok ,
i am not the second .
i am the last ):
maybe , yeah ,
i am too dumb / useless / ugly .
am i jealous of her ?
maybe :X
but , i am notttt supposed to .
i dont even have the right ,
to judge her .
basically cause i am too DUMBBBB!
grrr ,
hope this problem , wont affect my studies .
i will be alone , facing this problem .
maybe , holding my teddy bear's hand ? :D
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
how can i be sick in holidays ?
>.< cant go out ! sorry venusa & valerie , cant go out with you guys yesterday ! ): i need to get well soon ! i wanna go church campppp :D
i am sorry ,
i cant accept the fact .
that problem cant stop bugging me .
yeah , whateverrr .
i tried to dont care about it .
but it wont stop bugging me ):
i am total loserrrr .
dumb / un-friendly / ugly are basically words to decrisbe me .
she is always the first , and i am the second .
am i so unworthy ?
maybe i am .
she is priceless ,
& i am just a useless piece of shit .
i fake a smile ,
to act that i happy :D
but , am i ?
deep down , .......
Friday, August 29, 2008
woww , today was greatttttt !
morning go class , decorate the class a bit then go down alreadys .
Great Singapore Workout (:
next , see teachers play captain ball .
niceee ? XD
three-legged game is cool (:
after a while , started to rain .
went back class !
ask teacher not to come in so early ,
so we still have some time to do some decoration ^^
when mr teng came in , poppers & spray all on him .
play , play , play .
pop balloon & eat ! :D
share food sec2 & 1e2 .
clean up & stuff .
then went hall .
the programme was fun !
& the video ,
got my face :X
represent red cross >.<
after sch , went back epps .
saw sooooo many people .
korrine , aprille , bryan , delvina , keiren , huiyi , victoria , zahwah , aishah , valerie , melissa , fareha , brandon , luqman , iman , haziq & moree !
ahh , miss them sososo much .
went KFC , ate then went home .
took a nap >.<
then need go for meet the parents session .
mother was lateeeee :X
lols , i super gan jiong !
rush her like siaooo !
then , waited for our turn .
my teacher was MDM CHIA !
my results have good & bad .
i starting to like geography , english , science & maybe history !
hahas .
once again ,
may all your wishes come trueeee !
mummyyyy ♥
Friday, August 22, 2008
Free your soul.
Whatever is on your mind let it go.
i wanna do that ... ):
problems just cant stop looking up for me .
whatever i do , worng .
whatever i say wrong .
pleaseee ,
when you get into trouble , pust everything to me .
you lehs ?
nothing happen to you .
me lehs ? suffer every single thing .
who will help me now ?
i thought you willl be with me no matter what ,
but i was wrong .
in a wrold like this ,
i cannot trust anybody , but GOD and my family .
i have totally lost confidence in you .
but are a lucky person ,
have most of the things you want ,
have things that other people is dying to have .
isnt it enough ,
my life is up side down nowwww ,
because of you .
you are ,
&& Life is all about give and get, love and be loved, break and get broken ,
its true (:
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
last friday red cross traning was the one i like the best .
it was REAL fun .
report in full uniform .
then footdrills & stuff .
suddenly miss shang ask me for the teachers day thing .
must say something & put in video for teachers .
me , yong tat , jeslyn , another sec 2 girl
dicuss about what to say ...
in the end , come up with a short speech & end with a salute .
my salute is done wrongly i think .
somemore , i was still smiling . >.<
went meeting .
boring ! >.< TODAY
went church as usual .((:
funnnnn ! :D
hey you .
listen up manzxz .
i am not a teddy bear . that you like me then play with me ,
and dont like me then dont play with me .
i am a human .
i really hope you can spare a thought for others .
ok , another thing .
am i really so not important in your life ?
i try my best to be a person you will like .
but , i dont think you took notice of that .
i just like a "back-up" friend to you .
i am a human too .
i have feelings like you do .
all i ever ever wanted is just some love from you .
is it so hard ? ):
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
cheer up uh !
stay happy & pretty !
rubbish collector will support you no matter what (:
ilyy always <3
stay happy & PRETTY ! (:
mei will be your listening ear !
ilyy always <3
jy to become a SL (:
ilyy always <3
jy for your test tomorrow !
all the best :D
ily always <3
QiaoZhen MUMMY ,
ahh , miss you sooooooooo much !
ilyy alwayss ! <3
thanks for everything (:
ily always , jie <3
end here.
byeeee (:
cheer up people :D
Saturday, August 9, 2008
many things happen this week .
hmmm ,
went wild wild wet with
emily , megan , sherry & diana !
hadd lotsss of fun . (:
went charlotte's house .
played with her dog , SHERRY (:
had lots of fun too :D
celebrate national day in sch .
greendale pri students came .
they are superrrrrr cute ! XD
after sch , went AMK hub with
venusa , michelle , kahmay & shana !
reach there , walk walk .
then queue up for movie tickets to watch
it was sad/funny ^^
after that , took bus home .
reach home around 9+
it was superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fun :D
&& in the toliet , me & michelle laugh like mad people .
real mad XD
wake up 8 ++
then went tampines .
meet church peeps .
went to a place.
that place make me learn a lot of things .
& had lots of fun (:
^^ ,
this week was REAL great ! :D
next week maybe not .
getting back maths & other tests paper ....
& choosing SLs (:
may all your wishes come true ! :D
ok , shall end here .
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
dont say i dint post .
hmm , today .
nothing much .
but at hall , before the assembly ,
zhong jun & wey han they all behind us .
make us laugh till crazy XD
then after sch , whatever thing happened .
went charlotte house , play a while then go home .
tomorrow sci paper , JYJY ^^
all the best yeah (:
goodbye .
will reallllyyyyy upload photos after common tests ! :X
Monday, August 4, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
using my mum laptop now .
so, cant upload the photo of my brother :X
& sorry again for not updating my blog .
need to study for common tests .
was fun :D
had home econs common test today .
my paper had something wrong .
lucky i copy the answer from my previous paper fast .
if not , i cannot finish the paper for sure .
one of the question : what mineral is in common table salt ,
i anyhow do also got it correct(: hehe .
the ans should be sodium i think ..... :X
then after recess was art/health check up .
nothing much .
after sch , went to eat .
went home after that :D
monday history common test .
jiayou to all ! ^^
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
i am so bored at home today .
dint go out .
stay at home & use comp .
no e-learning homework ! :D
btw , changed my blogskin .
haizz , tomorrow got tution AGAIN .
can really die there . is super boring .
but , need to revise the maths test coming up!
i finally realised ,
i have friends that dont really appreciate me .
just take a walk in my shoes .
Friday, July 11, 2008

the real me is back .
this few days not really happy .
but , whatever it is , i am okay now .
i am really sorry if i upset anyone in whatever way .
i promise not to hurt myself . I PROMISE (:
i feel much much better now .
THANKS everyone for your concern . :D
a BIG thank you !
ok , GTG .
Monday, June 30, 2008
finally get myself to post as today do not have so much homework (:
yesterday was greattttt !
went sindy's house to celebrate her birthday . as well richard .
shall post pictures some other days .
today .
shall skip everything that happened and jump to home econs .
it was the best part of the day i guess .
cooking spaghetti !
i dint do a lot of cooking .
jia hui did .
i just do the cleaning & cutting .
i think my spaghetti was pretty nice . (:
ok , will end here .
need to read chinese story book already .
Friday, June 20, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
comment , please ! (:
had fun today .
woke up at 9 plus .
eat a little breakfast then go out .
planned to go bowling at E!hub with shermaine , wey han & denverson .
in the end , bowling starts at 12 .
we went to watch KUNGFU PANDA !
it was pretty nice .
but the boys watch half way , go out already . :x
then , bowling .
is super expensive .
i got a strike at the first game .
but , second one .
haha .
then went burger king & eat .
had fun chatting i guess :D
then played "catching" .
two rounds denverson catcher .
haha . bully him till super poor thing . (x
Friday, June 13, 2008
today was great !
went escape with church friends .
this time , i finally get to play carnival games .
it a little waste of money . but a least i got a two toys back in return . (:
inverter , pirate ship , rainbow , family coaster .
i only play this few things .
enoch got sort of addicted to family coaster .
but , seriously , family coaster is cool ! :D
haha .
we played till six .
went home , eat dinner then went madeline house to feed their pets .
8 hamsters & 2 fish . ^^
weeee , tomorrow going to do volunteer work .
Thursday, June 12, 2008
gonna do this test .
errrr , tomorrow i will post again .
about my trip to escape with church peeps .
15 friends you are close with.
1. Charmaine
4. Joanne
5. Shermaine
6. Apphia
8. Dawna
9. Liyun
10. Sindy
11. Jezebel
12. Catherine
13. Jie Min
14. Shana
15. Siu Suan
1. What do I like about 5?
- she is nice (:
2. What do I dislike about 7?
- Nothing
3. Do I hold 2's hand before?
- Of course ! (:
4. What is 3 good at?
- Lending a listening ear ! (:
5. Did I get mad at 6 before?
- Nope
6. What will I do if 1 disturbs me?
- just say : " HAHA ? "
7. Do I trust and love 14 as my friend?
- Yupp .
8. What will you do if 12 ask you to be his/her boyfriend/girlfriend or gay/lesbian?
- Rejecttttttttttttt .
9. Who do 15 go out with normally?
-Siu Suan
- Ying Xue
10. How do you get to know 8?
- Forget .
11. Does 9 ever do something that makes you think he/she is great?
- Not Sure .
12. Did 4 ever ask you out for breakfast/lunch/dinner before?
- Dont think so .
13. Will I die with 11 if 11 dies?
- Maybe . :x
14. If 13 likes(be it BGR or homo) you, will you avoid him/her?
-Jie Min
- errrrrr . dontknow .
15. How often do I go out with 10?
- Not really
Any human can do it (:
Monday, June 9, 2008
shall update .
like june jie said .
my blog is rotting :x haha .
many things gonna/happen-ed this few days .
going escape with church friends on friday .
recently took swimming test . passed .
ok , now must start to do holiday homework already .
i only started my homework today :x
have been playing this days .
need to do project againnnnn .
grrrrr .
okay . shall end here .
love you loads . stay pretty (:
love megan jie ! :D
finally it's over ,
rejoiceeee ! (:
Sunday, June 1, 2008
asked by june & venusa to do .
1.What's the connection between you & the last person that called you?
-Shermaine , Girlfriend .
2.Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
-Rare .
3. What happened at 10.00am today?
-Arrived Church .
4. When did you last cry?
-Dontknow .
5. What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
-Bread .
6. What do you want in your life right now?
- A miracle to happen .
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood ?
-Umbrella .
8. What's your favorite thing to have on your bed ?
9. What bottom are you wearing now?
10. Whats the nicest text in your inbox say?
11. Do you tend to make a relationships complicated ?
-No .
12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone ?
-No .
13. What was the last movie you caught?
-Alvin & the chipmunks .
14. What are you proud of ?
- Being a child of GOD .
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say ?
- Dontknow .
16. What was the last song you sang out loud ?
-ABC .
17. Do you have any nicknames?
18. What does your last received text message say?
-Dontknow .
19. What time did you go to bed last night?
-12 plus .
20.Are you currently happy?
-Yupp .
21. Who gives you best advice?
-Dontknow .
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
-No .
23. Who did you talk on phone last night?
- Dontknow .
24. Is anything bugging you right now?
-No .
25. What/Who was the last thing/person to make you laugh ?
- Mr Bean Show .
26. Do you wear toe socks?
- No .
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
28. Have you ever had your heartbroken?
-No .
29. What annoys you most in a person?
-Dontknow .
30. Do you have a crush on anyone?
-No .
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
-No .
32. What is the colour of your room?
-White .
33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?
-No .
34. Do you believed in the saying "talk in cheap"?
- No .
35. Who was the last person to lay in your bed?
- Me .
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
- Dontknow .
37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
38. Do you have a life?
-Yes .
39. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didn't?
-No .
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
- Dontknow .
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
- I forget all my dreams .
42. Last time you smiled?
-At this very moment .
43. Have you changed this year?
-Yes .
44. What are you listening to right now?
I'm all about you -Aaron Carter
45. Are you talking to someone when you doing this?
- My brother .
46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
-Usually open .
47. Is there a quote you live by?
-No .
48.Do you want someone you can't have?
-Yes . I want a robot .
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
-Yangqin .
50. What was the worst idea you've had in week?
-Dontknow .
51. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
-Chatting .
52. Are you happy with your love life right now?
53. What song describe your love life?
54. Does the person know that you like him/her?
55. Who always make you laughs?
-Friends .
56. Do you speak other language other than English?
-Yes .
57. Are you blond?
-No .
58. What your middle name?
-Lee .
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
-Wait for my new handphone to arrive ?
60. What do you think you are like?
-I think i am like a dumb fool .
61. Who will you choose to die with?
-Teddy Bear .
62.Where have you been today?
63. What game do you play often?
-Dontknow .
64. Who are you missing right now?
-Friends .
65. If you've to choose between friend & love, who will you choose?
-Dontkow .
66. What are you doing right now?
-Doing this test .
67. Which primary school are you from?
-Elias Park Pri .
68. Name 3 colours that you like
-Purple , orange & white .
69. What emotion you like to show?
70. What is life to you?
-Live ,laugh & love .
71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
- Tell my teddy bear .
72. Who did you last chat in msn today?
-Dontknow .
73. Who do you admire the most?
-God , family & friends .
74. Which month are you born in?
-October .
75. How are you feeling right now?
- Happy(:
76. What is the time now?
5.12 p.m
77. Where are you now?
-Earth .
78. What colour did you use to dye hair?
79. Why are you doing this test?
-June jie ask me to do (:
80. What do you do when you're moody?
- Tell my teddy bear .
81. At which age you wish to get marry?
-Before 29 .
82. Who is more important to you? Boyfriend or friends?
- Dontknow .
83. Do you think you have enough confident?
-No .
84. Who is the person you trust the most?
-Teddy Bear .
85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?
-Yes .
86. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
- More dreams to come true .
87. What is your goal for this year?
-Stay in express stream .
88. Do you believe in eternity love?
- No .
& 89. Do you believe in aliens & miracles ?
- Yes .
90. Do you really think its Global Warming now?
-Yes .
91. What feeling you hate the most?
- Hatred.
92.You cherish every single friendship of yours?
93.Do you believe in God?
94. Who cares for you the most?
- God , Family & Friends .
95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
-God .
96.What'll you bring when you fight?
-Vulgar .
97. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
- Dontkow .
98. What would you feel that no one no longer cares for you?
- Lonely & sad .
99. What if your stead two-timed you?
-Break up with him .
100. What do you want now?
-A miracle to happen .
Instructions:Remove 1 question from the above add in your own personal question, and bold it.Next, list 10 people whom you would you want them to do this, at the end of the post.Notify them in their tag box that he/she has been tagged.
love jing wen jie ! :D
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
today dont rock alot .
meet venusa & shermaine & charmaine at E!hub .
in the end , went escape .
let's just skip what happened in E!hub .
escapeeeeeeee !
play a variety of things .
flipper , rainbow , the kiddy train , INVERTER ! , pirate ship .
dint play bumper and wet & wild .
flipper was a little boring .
rainbow was ok .
kiddy train was funnn . but shermaine say it's lame . OBJECT*
INVERTER rock ! 360 (:
everytime go escape , must play at least TWO times !
pirate ship . it's "fun" !
lols . we play a while then go home already .
venusa felt sick ):
alright . stop posting about today .
the 'ghost' thing already spoils my mood . lols . kidding XD
i'm gonna do this test only . too lazy to do others :x
Rules- Blogger who has been tagged has to start with 10 random facts about themselves.- At the end of the quiz,you will have to choose 10 people & tag them about this quiz.
1) I love God .
2)I love my family
3)I love my friends
4)I love my gans
5)I am okay with everyone . i guess (:
6)I am lazy :x
7)I am mad & lame (:
8)I believe in miracles & aliens !
9)I love to do dumb & silly things
10)I love Spongebob :D
ok , spend a hard time thinking how to answer this .
lols .
ending here .
byebyeeee ! <3
Friday, May 23, 2008
i posted , venusa & shermaine .
today went fort canning .
is not that special actually .
on the bus to fort canning .
laughing & laughing XD
i guess the whole trip i like the bus trip to fort canning the best(:
lols . the place had a lot of mosquitoes .
measure & play .
took pictures of wey han & zhong jun .
our group is like so ...
we lost the clinometer .
luckily . teacher never scold us . :x
ohyea . mr chong finally know my name ! LOL .
he calls me : XIAOLAJIAO .XDD
on the way back . laugh-ed my head off beacuse of wey han & zhong jun .
aha .
yea , recently got back report book .
thank godness :D overall , passed (:
i think my resutls is ok .
i dont understand . the comments teacher say about me .
teacher says : i have leadership qualities ?
OBJECT* lols .
ok ,
too lazy to continue>.<
Enjoy your holidays !
i am OKAY with everyone , yea (x
Friday, May 16, 2008
ok , today is alright .
cant say fun or bad .
morning .
maths , video on dinosaurs . quite boring :x
geography , weathering . not that badd(:
next pe , i never play anything >.<
after recess . HOME ECONS .
is funnnnnn :D
washing things .i do ALL the washing .
jia hui good loh . can just wipe things . (:
after sch , go puggol plaza eat then go back sch .
everyone is all in the toliet changing to uniform .
i dontknow what to wear at first .
in the end , wear uniform .
wearing uniform is like so hot la .
can sweat in the toliet .
next , inspection & so on .
ok , ending here
too lazy to type more .
Saturday, May 10, 2008

ILOVETHISPICTURE<3 but ... i look ugly .
today rock alot(: wake up , do this do that .
at noon , eat lunch . then prepare to go church .
reach church , prepare for the skit .
make up . rehearsal . soon , dinner ! the food super nice(:
next was our performance already . i was in first scene acting as a boss . XD
trust me , scolding enoch is fun ! LOL . kiddng(x
i was like so scared at first . but later , calm down . not that bad la .
but so many eyes looking at me . so CREEPY !
i only get to go backstage ONCE . pathetic . i spent most of the time on stage .
all in all , the whole play is alright . better than what i think .
all our effort paid off[:
i seriously love today <3
true colours . i have seen it .
i never thought you would do this to me .
i trust you so much .
i dont know what to do .
i think i would just stand by the side and tahan you .
yes . I AM SORRY !!!!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
exams are FINALLY going to end .
now left d&t and chinese listening compre .
so much relaxed now(:
today , ART PAPER .
okayokay . not very hard/easy .
i hope i pass with FLYING COLOURS !
after exam , went compass point .
eat KFC , then me , dawna & siti went sculpture park , while
shermaine&venusa go home & come back later .
ok , we waited for shermaine&venusa for TWO HOURS ?!
but this two hours were funnnnn:D
siti's jokes can kill .
me&dawna keep laughing non-stop .
after a while , shermaine & venusa came .
play & play .
me & venusa played the game where the show "ah wang & his wife play one "
is quite fun though . but creepyyy .
took pics . maybe ask shermaine send me then i upload .
anyway , want to wish iceh HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! (:
alrights , ending here .
my brother have been singing JENNY . LOL .
ohyeahh ! I POSTEDDDDD(:
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
it has been long i post , right ? actually not that long . hehee .
so many things happened this week .
we just had our napfa . i think i got silver .
got back litreature mid year paper . 22/30 . not too bad .
cant remember everything .
red cross enrolment ceromony was great:D
place to the kampong kapor was nice . (:
today , english mid year .
not that hard . but still worrying if i would FAIL :x
tomorrow chinese , i wonder whats gonna be like ?
i hope is gonna be easy .
just now conference with shermaine&wey han .
haha . so fuuny(x
i need beg wong wey han for something .
must act till cutecute voice .
not easy . XD
alrights , i shall end here .
Good luck to all for your coming exams !